Country: Germany
Genre: Melodic Black Metal
Album: Damien
Year: 2002
Bitrate: 192 kbps
1. Intro - the revelation
2. 666 - mark of the devil
3. God is dead - satan arise
4. Servants of twilight
5. Intro - the omen
6. Kingdom of blasphemy
7. The seventh sign
8. Armaggeddon war
9. Intro - the deduction
10. Unholy alliance
11. Image of the antichrist
12. Cry little sister (Bonus track)*
* Bonus track included
Pass: infernalademon9mm
Penultimo disco antes de separarse de estos demonios del melodic black metal...
es lo mejoe el otro disco ojala q esta huea sea mucho mejor. crematory_revolution@hoitmail.com