Leyenda que fue formada en 1982, bajo el nombre de Knight Demon, con Marcel Schirmer en el bajo y la voz, Mike Sifringer, en guitarra y Thomas Sandmann, en la batería, cambiaria su nombre por Destruction en 1984, y alli comenzaria la devastacion, dando a conocer un demo ("Bestial Invasion Of Hell"), y mas tarde un EP titulado "Sentence Of Death", pero no es hasta 1985 cuando dan a luz el primer full-lenght album ("Infernal Overkill"),por cierto una obra maestra del thrash metal de todos los tiempos, cabe destacar que en 1989 Marcel Schirmer dejaria la banda por 10 largos años, llendose para abajo tanto comercial como musicalmente la banda, por lo tanto los albums producidos durante 1989-1999, no son considerados parte de la discografia oficial (con excepcion de "Cracked Brain"), entre 1999-2002 se une Sven Vormann, en la bateria, y finalmente en 2002, Marc Reign, mas conocido por su trabajo con Mystic Circle en algun tiempo, el cual es el actual baterista de la banda; Destruction sigue dando guerra alrededor de todo el mundo y es, y sera siempre considerada una de las mejores bandas de thrash metal...

Album: Bestial Invasion Of Hell [Demo]
Year: 1984
Bitrate: 192 kbps
1. Intro
2. Mad Butcher
3. Total Desaster
4. Antichrist
5. Frontbeast
6. Satan's Vengance
7. Tormentor
Album: Sentence Of Death [EP]
Year: 1984
Bitrate: 160 kbps
1. Intro
2. Total Desaster
3. Black Mass
4. Mad Butcher
5. Satan's Vengance
6. Devil's Soldiers
Album: Infernal Overkill
Year: 1985
Bitrate: 320 kbps
1. Invincible Force
2. Death Trap
3. The Ritual
4. Tormentor
5. Bestial Invasion
6. Thrash Attack
7. Antichrist
8. Black Death
Album: Eternal Devastation
Year: 1986
Bitrate: 192 kbps
1. Curse The Gods
2. Confound Games
3. Life Without Sense
4. United By Hatred
5. Eternal Ban
6. Upcoming Devastation
7. Confused Mind
Album: Mad Butcher [EP]
Year: 1987
Bitrate: 192 kbps
1. Mad Butcher
2. The Damned (Plasmatics cover)
3. Reject Emotions
4. The Last Judgement
Album: Release From Agony
Year: 1988
Bitrate: 192 kbps
1. Beyond Eternity
2. Release From Agony
3. Dissatisfied Existence
4. Sign Of Fear
5. Unconscious Ruins
6. Incriminated
7. Our Oppression
8. Survive To Die
Album: Live Without Sense
Year: 1989
Bitrate: 192 kbps
1. Curse The Gods
2. Unconscious Ruins
3. Thrash Attack
4. Invincible Force
5. Dissatisfied Existence
6. Reject Emotions
7. Eternal Ban
8. Mad Butcher
9. Life Without Sense / In The Mood
10. Release From Agony
11. Bestial Invasion
Album: Cracked Brain
Year: 1990
Bitrate: 192 kbps
1. Cracked Brain
2. Frustrated
3. S.E.D. (Socialist Etern As Death)
4. Time Must End
5. My Sharona (The Knack cover)
6. Rippin' You Off Blind
7. Die a Day Before You're Born
8. No Need To Justify
9. When Your Mind Was Free
Album: All Hell Breaks Loose
Year: 2000
Bitrate: 192 kbps
1. Intro
2. The Final Curtain
3. Machinery Of Lies
4. Tears Of Blood
5. Devastation Of Your Soul
6. The Butcher Strikes Back
7. World Domination Of Pain
8. X-treme Measures
9. All Hell Brekas Loose
10. Total Desaster 2000
11. Visual Prostituion
12. Kingdom Of Damnation
Album: The Antichrist
Year: 2001
Bitrate: 256 kbps
1. Days Of Confusion
2. Dictators Of Cruelty
3. Thrash 'til Death
4. Nailed To The Cross
5. Bullets From Hell
6. Strangulated Pride
7. Meet Your Destiny
8. Creations Of The Underworld
9. Godfather Of Slander
10. Let Your Mind Rot
11. The Heretic
Album: Alive Devastation [Live Album]
Year: 2002
Bitrate: 192 kbps
1. Intro / Curse The Gods
2. Nailed To The Cross
3. Eternal Ban
4. Machinery Of Lies
5. Bullets From Hell
6. Tears Of Blood
7. Life Without Sense
8. Thrash 'til Death
9. Mad Butcher
10. The Butcher Strikes Back
11. Intro / Total Desaster
12. Invincible Force
13. Bestial Invasion
Album: Metal Discharge
Album: 2003
Bitrate: 192 kbps
1. The Ravenous Beast
2. Metal Discharge
3. Rippin' The Flesh Apart
4. Fear Of The Moment
5. Mortal Remains
6. Desecrators Of The New Age
7. Historical Force Feed
8. Savage Symphony Of Terror
9. Made To Be Broken
10. Vendetta
11. Killers (Iron Maiden cover)*
12. Whiplash (Metallica cover)*
13. Fuck The U.S.A. (The Exploited cover)*
14. Bestial Invasion (Demo version 1999)*
15. The Butcher Strikes Back (Demo version 1999)*
16. Nailed To The Cross (Demo version 2001)*
17. Metal Discharge (Demo version 2003)*
* Bonus tracks included...
Album: Inventor Of Evil
Year: 2005
Bitrate: VBR
1. Soul Collector
2. The Defiance Will Remain
3. The Alliance Of Hellhoundz
4. No Mans Land
5. The Calm Before The Storm
6. The Chosen Ones
7. Dealer Of Hostility
8. Under Surveillance
9. Seeds Of Hate
10. Twist Of Fate
11. Killing Machine
12. Memories Of Nothingness
13. We Are The Road Crew (Motörhead cover)*
14. The Alliance Of Hellhoundz (Schmier only)*
* Bonus tracks included...

Album: Thrash Anthems [Compilation]
Year: 2007
Bitrate: 192 kbps
1. Bestial Invasion
2. Profanity
3. Release From Agony
4. Mad Butcher
5. Reject Emotions
6. Death Trap
7. Cracked Brain
8. Live Without Sense
9. Total Desaster
10. Deposition (Your Heads Will Roll)
11. Invincible Force
12. Sign Of Fear
13. Tormentor
14. Unconscious Ruins
15. Curse The Gods
Album: D.E.V.O.L.U.T.I.O.N.
Year: 2008
Bitrate: VBR
1. Devolution
2. Elevator To Hell
3. Vicious Circle - The Seven Deadly Sins
4. Offenders Of The Throne
5. Laste Desperate Scream
6. Urge (the Greed of Gain)
7. The Violation Of Morality
8. Inner Indulgence
9. Odyssey Of Frustration
10. No One Shall Survive